Slow Your Rolling Boil
When thoughts, concerns, plans, worries, and what-ifs rise to the surface, we turn to God and acknowledge that he is over it all. Like a wooden spoon set across the top of the pot, his presence says to the increasing simmer, “Go no further.”
A Prayer for Joy
Our joy doesn’t come from our jobs, our family, our relationships, our finances, or our success. Our joy doesn’t come from what we have on earth or who we are with. Our joy is a gift.
Permission to Pause
And, if you’re like me and you feel like you might be a little late on the holiday festivities, I want you to know that IT IS OK! Take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, smile, and give yourself permission to just be right where you are without feeling stressed, guilty or frantic.
Putting it in Perspective
It’s hard to put into words just how holy these moments feel. Problems that loomed large suddenly regain their rightful size as I imagine God speaking the galaxies into existence. I am deeply aware of the power and presence of God and that awareness reorients everything.
You’re not in control of the plan. God does the most incredible things in the most unexpected ways. He often grows beautiful things in the most unlikely of places. Trust that God has a good plan and that he is a good Father.
The Foundation Matters
That night, as I was reflecting, I thought about how important it was to my husband to lay a good foundation throughout this project. The foundation mattered most. Nothing we built would have had any longevity to it unless we did the proper groundwork first.
On Purpose
Living on purpose is so much more intentional. It’s right here and right now living. It's prioritizing the right things every day like connecting deeply with God, caring for my own soul, connecting with people, and living life in a way that is wholistic and life giving so that I can be fruitful for the long term instead of only fruitful for a season.
You Don’t Walk Alone
My focus shifted from the thoughts in my mind. I became aware of myself and aware of the beauty of God’s creation around me. I began noticing the shape of the clouds and smelling the sweet scent of the flowers in a yard I was passing. I began to move from wrestling through my thoughts to conversing with God.
An Invitation to Rest
Real rest refreshes. Real rest restores. Real rest revitalizes. Real rest that can do all of these things can only be found in one place.
Everyday Miracles
Whatever the situation and whatever the circumstances, he is worthy of our praise. He is deserving of all glory. And when we talk about the amazing things that he’s done for us, it has the power to strengthen faith and renew hope.
Small Steps
In this kingdom where the first is last and the greatest is the serves, achieving big things most often involves the smallest steps. It’s our little everyday moments that change the world. Our daily willingness to be people who love God and love people is what shakes this world to its’ very core.
Embrace Humility
This may sound like one of the oddest practices, but it is one I am finding particularly powerful in this new year. I am choosing to do something I am bad at. While it may seem counter-productive, allowing myself the grace to be bad at something is producing something incredibly good in me.
Our Experiences Empower Us
God will take every trouble and transform them into opportunities for us to experience love, grace, mercy, peace, and even joy through him. He is with us in our struggles and he invites us to be with others in theirs.
What Really Matters
Our moments matter.
Our everyday minutes are the building blocks of our lives.
What we give our time, energy, and attention to every day impact our life.
Investing Well
I believe God’s invitation is to meet with us in those kind of everyday moments. His desire is to connect with us and for us to connect with him, right where we are.
I believe God still does the same thing. He calls out to you and to me. He personally reaches out to us to get our attention. He has a plan and a purpose for us that he wants to speak into our hearts, but sometimes we don’t recognize his voice because we aren’t in a space to listen or to receive what God is saying.
Communicating Our Heart
May our actions reflect our heart. Even in challenges, may our love for God and for people be the motivating force behind all that we say or do. If our actions speak louder than our words, than may our lives loudly proclaim our love for God and others.
Sharing Your Jesus Story
When we find something that’s incredible, we want others to hear about it because we want them to experience whatever amazing thing it is that we’ve experienced.