A Shift


But my day is full

and my calendar is packed.

I’m already filling in the edges

and every square inch of blank space

just to care for what matters most.

There’s no time left to give.



But my check is spent

and my wallet is empty.

Every dime is accounted for

and every nickel is needed

just to pay for what matters most.

There’s no money left to give.



But my energy is gone

and I’m running on fumes.

I’m weary from pushing so hard

and it takes all of my effort

just to keep up with what matters most.

There’s no effort left to give.



I wish that I could

but there’s not enough time or money or energy.

I’m giving all that I can…




“Even the Son of Man

did not come to be served,

but to serve,

and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

(Mark 10:45)


Remembering this changes things.

A shift happens

and it becomes



Because I have more than enough

and I’m motivated by love

for the One who gave all for me.

And I’ll give all that I am and all that I have

Because love is what matters most

as I get to be your hands and feet, Lord,

and live out the gospel here.





Father God, thank you that you set the example for us on what it looks like to sacrificially love and serve others. Lord, motivate us by your love and help us to step outside of ourselves to live out the gospel here. May we show your love to the world.  Amen.




Scripture Meditation:

Mark 10:45 NIV

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”


 Journal Reflection:

What are the things that hold you back from serving?  How could meditating on the sacrificial love of Jesus and his abundant generosity motivate you to serve from a place of loving response instead from a place of obligation or duty?  What difference do you notice when you serve from a place of love for God and love for others?




Find one simple, practical way to serve someone else this week.  Don’t serve from a place of obligation, but instead, let your love for the one who loved you and gave himself for you be your motivation.




Communicating Our Heart