A Prayer for Joy

A Prayer for Joy

By Bobbie Schaeperkoetter

(originally published at iBelieve.com) 

Heavenly Father, This third week of Advent, let us remember that the good news of Jesus’ birth brings us great joy this Christmas season. Our joy isn’t dependent on what is going on in our lives, in our world, or the people that we are with. It doesn’t depend on the gifts we give or the gifts we find under the tree. No earthly thing can ever give us complete joy. Our joy comes from you. That joy that flooded the hearts of the shepherds, the angels, the wise men, the hosts of heaven, and Mary and Joseph is the joy that still has the power to overwhelm our hearts with rejoicing. 

Those who gathered around the new baby were blessed because they believed that you had fulfilled your promise. Mary and Joseph believed and were able to feel the joy of holding baby Jesus in their arms. The shepherds and wise men believed the angles and the signs and experienced the great gladness of worshipping their Messiah.

Those who knew him and recognized him were overjoyed at the coming of Jesus. They saw the prophecies fulfilled, and their fear was replaced with happiness as they gazed on the face of the one who would be their Savior. They trusted in your promises and their hearts were filled with gladness as they watched your loving-kindness manifested in the face of a tiny baby in a lowly manger. 

Father, you offer that same joy to us now if we know you and recognize Jesus as our Savior and Lord. You gave us a reason to celebrate when you gave us the unspeakable gift of Jesus Christ. You came to dwell among us. You went to the cross for us. You overcame death and rose from the dead for us. You forgive our sins and give us life now and forever with you when we believe in you. 

Our joy doesn’t come from our jobs, our family, our relationships, our finances, or our success. Our joy doesn’t come from what we have on earth or who we are with. Our joy is a gift. It is the gift that you gave us that first Christmas in Jesus Christ. Our joy is encompassed in our Savior, King Jesus. Flood our hearts with joy this Advent season as we reflect on the good news of Jesus’ birth. In Jesus’ precious name, we pray. Amen.



Luke 2:10-11

“But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.’”



Practice gratitude. Make a list of things this Advent and Christmas season that have reminded you of the eternal joy you have in Jesus.



Journal Reflection

In this last year, when have you experienced the joy that comes from knowing and walking with Jesus?








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