Imaginative Prayer on God as Father

Spiritual practices help us create space to open ourselves to God. In this practice, we will use our holy imagination to contemplate God as our Father.  A.W Tozer once said, “We often try to put God in a box.  The God who fits in our boxes isn’t the God and Father or our Lord Jesus Christ.”

This week, sit in silence for a few minutes to quiet you mind and still your body, then invite God to help you see Him as Father.  How do you experience Him?  How do you feel towards Him?  How do you think He feels toward you?  Does this align with the God Jesus points toward in scripture?  Have you been unintentionally putting God into a box?  How might your view of God need to come into alignment with the God of the Bible? 

You might find it helpful to journal through this activity.


Daily Examen


Pause, Breathe, Pray