Daily Examen

Spiritual practices help us create space to open ourselves to God. In this practice, we will try the the Examen, paying particular attention to areas we are moving towards God and to the areas where we are moving away from Him.  This practice is best done on a daily basis.  Consider trying it every evening this week to help you identify patterns your heart and areas God may be inviting you into a new way of responding .  If you enjoy journaling, this is exercise is a good one to journal through. 


The Daily Examen:

1.  Become aware of God’s presence.  Remember, He is always with you because if you are a believer, you are filled with the Holy Spirit.  Ask God to help you to pay attention to His voice as you do the Examen.

2.  Review your day.  Notice times where you felt compelled to drew close to God today.  Notice the times that you pulled away from God.  Pay attention to the posture of your heart in each situation. 

3.  Pray about one aspect from the day.  Is there any particular situation that stands out?  Do you notice any patterns?  Invite God to look at that situation with you and give you eyes to see it as He does.  What do you notice?

4.  Pay attention to your emotions.  Emotions are indicators.  As you look at that situation what feelings do you notice?  Does resentment or frustration surface?  How about bitterness?  Maybe you notice peace, joy, hope?  Do you sense an invitation into reconciliation with God as you pay attention to those emotions? 

5.  Look forward to tomorrow?  Think about tomorrow.  Is there a way to take what God has shown you today and apply it to tomorrow?  How can you ask God to help you tomorrow if similar situations surface?


Contemplation on Psalm 139


Imaginative Prayer on God as Father