Breath Prayer Using the Lord’s Prayer

Breath prayer is a way to involve our bodies and our minds in prayer.  Any time this week you feel a sense of overwhelm, notice stress beginning to build, or feel anxiety rising as a result of your situations or circumstances, pause and do three breath prayers as a way of resetting your focus on God and His will.

In breath prayer, we simply break a prayer into two phrases. We speak one phrase on a long, slow inhale and one on a long, slow exhale.   

We will use the Lord’s Prayer as our guide.

Inhale:  Your Kingdom come.  Your Will be done.

Exhale:  On earth, as it is in heaven.

Repeat the phrasing and the deep inhales and exhales three times or as many as you need in order to calm your mind.  Remember, this is simply an opportunity to pause and slow your racing mind, redirect your thinking back to God, and invite God to exercise His will in your life.


Pause, Breathe, Pray


Contemplation of Luke 15:11-32