What is prayer?

Prayer is a soul deep, naked and unashamed conversation

with the only One who both fully knows and fully loves us.


Prayer is an answer to the ache we feel to be met compassionately

when our hearts are laid bare and our innermost thoughts are shared.


Prayer is vulnerable truth talking with our loving Father

right in the mundane messy middle of our everyday lives.


Prayer is ongoing, never ending, real time processing

with the author of our moments and the giver of our days.


Prayer is the breath in our lungs and the beat in our heart

recognizing the One who called us into being.


Prayer is heartfelt worship poured out to the only One worthy

of our uninhibited adoration and praise.


Prayer is tears and longing, ache and frustration

honestly shared with our compassionate and merciful God.


Prayer is acceptance and grace mingling with peace and understanding

even in the midst of the trials.


Prayer is laughter and joy and gratitude overflowing from thankful hearts

that are humble and open to receive.


Prayer is fear and worry and anxiety handed over to our Good Father

who has a plan to rescue and redeem all things. 


Prayer is loneliness and longing and unmet expectations

shared with the Lover of our soul and our dearest friend. 


Prayer is the deepest parts of us vulnerably exposed

before the One who knows our motivations and our desires.


Prayer is life and life abundant

flowing from true fellowship with Father, Son, and Spirit. 




Father God, we thank you for the opportunity to come to you in prayer.  What a privilege!  What an honor!  What a gift!  Help us to truly understand your desire to meet us in this intimate, vulnerable, and honest way.  Help us to turn to you and to open ourselves to you fully.  Help us to respond to this beautiful invitation and to choose to walk closely with you every day all throughout the everyday moments of our lives as we pray.   Amen.


Scripture Meditation:

Galatians 4:6 NLT

“And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, “Abba, Father.””

 Journal Reflection:

What has prayer looked like for you?  How might God be inviting you into a more honest, open, and vulnerable way of constantly communicating with Him?  What is one way you might open yourself up to this way of praying?



Begin your prayer each week by answering these two questions as you talk with God.

1.  How do I come? (mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, relationally)

2.  What do I desire? (the deepest longings of your heart)




Prayer As Our Weapon